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Commentary . . .
Finally, someone in the media is willing to talk about the relationship between national security and sustainability. Dylan Ratigan nailed it down during his interview with Liz Perez of GC Green Construction and John Hofmeister, former CEO of Shell Oil.
Perez, a Navy vet herself, is an articulate spokesperson and entrepreneur who is building her San Diego-based business helping vets not only work in the cleantech sector, but start their own businesses. A salute to Ms. Perez.
Hofmeister talks candidly about the real price that our reliance on oil has on national security from the perspective of someone who truly knows. Watch the interview. It's spot on.
With these interviews, Ratigan passionately makes a very important point, that people in the military are a highly trained, cohesive tech-savvy army of talent, teamwork and strength, experienced in taking on real-world challenges. But when they return to civilian life, these skills are not effectively acknowledged. Exactly! With 1 million-plus vets returning home in the next few years, enlisting them in the battle for a safe-energy future is a brilliant and do-able option that in fact carries on their mission to protect American interests by removing the reasons they so often go off to war, our reliance on oil.
CleanTekTV.com showcases what is being done, and it's an impressive story unfolding. Through its WebTV focus on the who, what, where and how of cleantech, we promote the exact same vision. We will be pursuing this on all fronts moving forward, and will continue to work with all who understand the deep significance of what Ratigan so effectively showcased.
Congratulations to Dylan, Liz and John for their true American Spirit!