Contact Zummer
ZuumCraft, Inc.
San Diego, California
Phone: 1-888-ZUUMERS

Zuumcraft was born in Southern California where the endless summer and ocean waves inspire surfers the world over. Wanting to bring fluid surfing action to the streets, ZuumCraft developed the unique Lean2Steer rear suspension. It is this L2S that gives riders the smooth, stable carving action appreciated not only by surfers and snowboarders but also those who’ve never carved before.
What is a Zuumer?
It is a very light electric vehicle (VLEV) that will carry you for up to 32 Kilometers on a charge. It will do this at a speed of just short of 32 km/h. It will ensure you have an unparalleled boarding experience while riding.
Why a Zuumer?
There are many “green” reasons to get you out of your car and into the fresh air. However, if we cannot liberate you from your parking problems, road congestion, sweaty shirts, and general transport frustration, then at least we promise you, with the Zuumer you will have a great riding experience.
The Zuumer should significantly improve your commute to work, school and general transportation within a 10 km radius. Zuum to work. Zuum to school. Zuum to gym or Rec Centre. Zuum Zuum Zuum Zuum.
Here is what some first time riders are saying:
“It’s Cool, it clearly takes 5 seconds to learn...5 seconds...That is hot!”
“On a Fun curve 1 to 10... beyond 10."
"I loved it"
"I tried it and it was the best part of my day"
"I want one, can I have one now?"
"Can I take one home with me"
"I pulled my car over when I saw one"
Specifications summary:
Max speed 20 mph
Max range 20 miles on one set of batteries
85% recharge from empty in around 2 hours
Running costs equivalent to 700 mpg
Weight 97lbs
1000 Watt maintenance free Hub Motor
L2S® (Lean2Steer system)
High grade aluminum and steel construction
Dual lithium, aluminum encased, swappable batteries with status displays
Remote controlled locking and alarm system
Front and rear disk brakes
Electronic horn and cruise control
Adjustable handlebars
LED Head light, Tail light, and Brake light
Specifications detailed
The patent pending L2S® (Lean2Steer system) provides exceptional, class-defining handling, a comfortable ride, and unparalleled stability - think of carving like a 'boarder with more grip than you can imagine!
Speed: Zuumers have a top speed of just under 20 mph (32 km/h) -- any faster and we'd have to include flight training!
Power: A powerful 1,000 Watt front hub motor climbs hills with ease. This also means no noisy, messy, inefficient chains to maintain.
Brakes: Zuumers feature robust disk brakes. From top speed to full, safe stop in under 15 feet!
Visibility: Not only should you be able to see the road, but others should be able to see you – with this in mind, Zuumers include head and tail lights, horns, and brake lights.
Batteries: Advanced Lithium Polymer Batteries means you can keep on Zuuming – up to 20 miles (32 Km) on a charge (recharge from empty to 85% take about 2 hours). The batteries are modular – you can recharge them apart from your Zuumer or buy an extra set for long-range Zuuming.
Battery and Motor Controller include the intelligent limp home feature for the last few miles of battery charge. Regenerative braking is also included.
Security: - besides locking into your favorite bike rack, Zuumers include a key-less alarm system (which cuts power to the motor and detects motion once activated)
Size: Adjustable handlebars mean comfortable commuting for all!
Construction: Solid construction – They've redefined "rugged" at ZuumCraft – one of the few things taken seriously is quality. Zuumers are robustly constructed from high grade aluminum and steel and road tested to provide you with miles of boarding fun!